This was the first tournament of the season. John got a few great shots of Mas and one of Kenzie entertaining herself and us during the tournament! If pictures alone told the story of what these two would grow up to be, Mason seems to have a future in golf, and Kenzie appears to be leaning towards the circus!
After his birthday dinner, we hurried home to eat some birthday cake! Kenzie added a decoartive touch to the candle arrangement and some serious singing took place. Mas-man blew out the candles and there was immediate pigging out and plate licking!
Four years ago today I married my best friend! John, thank you for four amazing years, for being my biggest fan and for loving me despite my many flaws! I could not have asked for more and I cannot wait to see what this next year holds!
Um, yeah, these were taken back in February at Mason's birthday dinner at PeiWei. He loves that place! Even though these are old pictures, I didn't want you to miss out on any of his birthday celebrations. Here are a few pictures of a typical dinner with us!
In most recent news, we have become the proud owners of a sailboat! John has been eyeing this boat for a couple years, noticing that it never seemed to move from its dock and dreaming of sailing it. He called the owner to see if he could clean it up in exchange for taking it out on the water. Ends up, they wanted to get rid of the boat and a dollar later, it was ours. Here are a few pictures of Mason and John's sailing adventure last week before John got to work deep cleaning it!