Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Seven Random Facts...Hmmm...

My friend Whitney tagged me in the random fact game. So, here are seven random facts about me...

1. I do not like change, really just when it comes to people. When people leave my life, through job change or a move it is very hard for me...even if they are just moving down the road...Matthew!

2. I hate laundry!!! I will put off washing clothes for weeks...and search through my closet desperately for clean clothes to avoid the dreaded laundry day. The only problem is there are three other people in the house who depend on me to wash and fold their laundry...how did this happen!?! (there is a huge pile of laundry taking up the entire bed in our guest room right now...and I'm blogging instead...can we say denial!)

3. Running is my weight reducer and stress reliever. I cannot think straight if I have not hit the pavement for at least 30 minutes and I do not like the way I feel when I am not running on a regular basis.

4. I have a hard time spending money on myself. Don't get me wrong, I love to get things. I used to go to Target and pick things out that I liked, put them in my basket and over the course of the next thirty minutes, slowly put every single item back. When I go shop, I usually get something for everyone else. John has to encourage me to buy stuff for myself. Really, I do not like to shop! It gives me a headache.

5. We haven't had to pay for hardly any of the furniture or decor in our house. Between both my grandmothers and my mom, we pretty much have acquired a full house of stuff and I would venture to guess that we have actually purchased about 1% of it.

6. I do not like trying new things. I like to learn new things, I just do not like to try them by myself...you might be thinking one cannot happen without the other. You would be right! It is the initial fear of failure that usually produces anxiety, and hence my fear of trying something new all by myself! If someone is with me, the fear never comes into the picture.

7. I'm a neat freak. I want everything in its place all the time! God has a huge sense of humor though and placed me in a house with a husband and kids, so I've had to grow in this area quite a bit over the last two years! You may be wondering how this goes along with the huge pile of laundry. I just close the guest room door so I do not have to look at the huge pile of laundry (right now my back is to the laundry), because I hate laundry more than disorder!

So here are the rules:
*Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
*Tell seven random facts about yourself on your blog
* Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
*Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

I'm going to be breaking the rules slightly...shocker! Most of the friends I know who have blogs have already done something similar to this, so my tag list is sadly going to be nonexistent! If, however, you read my blog and have not done this before, please feel free to do so!

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