Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Hunt for Eggs and the Missing Soccer Sock

 We were able to sneak in a quick egg hunt before the rain really started coming down in Jackson last Sunday. The kids thought it was big fun, and this year, we only lost one egg. Considering we hid 79 eggs, that isn't too bad! I'm sure my dad will run over it with his mower or it will be found somewhere in the flower beds...unless, Scout was responsible for the missing egg, in which case the plastic egg could probably be found by x-raying his stomach. He was great at finding the eggs as I hid them, so good in fact that we had to put him up so that the kids could have some too!

If you look closely, you will notice that Kenzie is wearing one grey and one orange soccer sock. Apparently, we experienced some bad weather and a tornado went through her room the day before her first game. With everything scattered all over the floor and many people involved in the search effort, we were unable to locate the other grey sock. With a massive cleanup crew, the sock was spotted the next day as her room was found under all the clothing and toy debris! That said, she did score a goal while wearing her one orange sock!
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Sacrifices of Joy said...

Congrats to Kenzie on scoring a goal!! I know you were proud!!

Mimi said...

Maybe she should keep up the orange/gray look . . . it adds just the right amount of color to the ensemble!

Way to go, Kenzie, on the goal!