Saturday, April 04, 2009

My Latest Obsession!

When I had to go looking for the wheels on my last vacuum, I decided it was time to replace old faithful. Really, it was not a very sad day, because memories of dirt spitting out at my shins when I tried to vacuum on the tile, were just not that pleasant. In my search for a vacuum that would work on our rugs, carpet and bare floors, I found the Bissell Healthy Home. John and I purchased it on our date night a week or so ago after having dinner with some friends. You might be thinking, "exciting date night," and I am here to tell you, it was! Buying something that helps make our house cleaner is definitely one of my love languages! At 9:30 at night, I could not wait to tear into that vacuum. After only going over our hallway, I had almost filled the container...yuck! It was good to see what my old vacuum had been a container that was immediately taken outside and thrown out! My other favorite part about this vacuum is it doesn't have that dirty sock/wet dog smell that my other vacuum did. Who wants to vacuum when it leaves your house smelling like a dirty sock. This one has a filter that purifies the air as you least that is what it says. I could care less if it cleans the air, as long as we do not have to live with that smell! There are also lots of fun attachments, which I have used to clean our baseboards, blinds, vents, fans, stairs, upholstery and kids! It's great!


jennifer said...

ohhh... it's the little things.

i'm jealous. really, really, jealous.

litl'amy said...

We got one of these two months ago and LOVE ITTTTT!!!!!! It has made such a difference with the dig hair and the dust. With Ava all over the ground it truly has made a difference!

Mimi said...

Seems like we buy a new one every year . . . maybe this can be ours for 2009!