Thursday, February 25, 2010

Captain Shifty Brows...

We have the best dog ever! You may think you disagree, but it's not up for discussion. Scout has his own quirky little personality, which includes not liking the vacuum or broom or anything else that moves to quickly or catches him off guard. He's always a little bit nervous and terrified of thunder storms, which cause excessive amounts of slobbering, yelping, escaping from places that you are sure he never could and running all over the house looking for someone to tell him it is going to be ok. On a typical day, his main goal is to find a comfy spot in a room with his "pack," which is how we determined that his theme song is "I want to be where the people are!"

Over the past year, he has become part of our family. We made the decision to bring him inside full time last spring and have not looked back. Bringing Scout into our home also brought him into our hearts! So, yesterday, when he decided to go running with one of my parents' neighbors, and no one knew where he was, it gave us quite the scare! Mason and I hopped in the car and went driving around the neighborhood to find him. He was on his way back home, but had gotten distracted by the pond where he took a swim and overwhelmed with the plethora of animals he could chase!

Sometimes the hair accumulation on the floor makes me crazy, because he's a massive shedder and let's face it, I like a clean house. That said, I'd miss the hair if he went missing for real. So, instead of letting him run off again to seek out his own form of exercise today, I woke up and set out to help him use up some of his energy and maybe burn a few calories along the way!
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