Thursday, June 29, 2006

Memphis Friends #2...

A most random collection of pics. These are just some fun pics from the past few years! This one is of Bev and I with Shirley Shrek. Yes girls, I still have him...he made the move! Look out, he may be coming soon to a yard near you!

Hannah and MD.

Sarah and MJ this past Christmas.
Sarah, MD and John and Hannah's going away dinner!

MJ, Matt and Monica out to eat...taken the same night as the pic above.

DeVan and Jane downtown.

This is an oldie from back in the short hair days! Fun times at the Loop with Jane.

MD and John at a game night last summer.
Hannah acting silly at Jane's. I think we were cooking out that night.

This pic was taken at my b-day party last year. Sarah may have been having more fun than Kenz here...

This pic is of Matt and MJ. Matt is my adopted brother in Memphis. I don't get to see them as much as I would like. I am so thankful for their friendship!

Jonathan and Melissa out to dinner with friends. Melissa is my roomie right now at Hannah's house. I went to college with these two and have had the pleasure of getting to know them better over the past few years when our paths crossed again in Memphis!

Some of my old community group girls out on the town. We had a read aloud of "Walter the farting dog" and enjoyed trying on the many hats at Davis Kidd.

Halloween party a few years ago. Jane and Hannah got a little more into their costumes. I went as an old favorite Dry Cleaning! I have another pic from this night, which include my friends Regan and Jessica, but was asked not to post that one again! :o)


hannah said...

Your awesome pics make me want to start scrap-booking! What fun memories- and I have to say my best Memphis times include Y-o-u! Future pics to add will definitely include your wedding, future ski trips, and hanging out at the Felkins house. Oh gurrl!

Hey- has Shirley-Q RSVP'd to your wedding yet? If so, sit her by me!

The Felkins said...

oh gurl, shirley be comin. my daddy says, when asked who gives this woman to be married to this man, his response is gonna be "her mama an em!" i know dats right!