Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chocolate Volcano!

The kids and I made this volcanic eruption reenactment using chocolate this morning. It smells SO yummy! We are studying magma, lava and igneous rock. Everyone enjoyed this experiment and now we are waiting for it to cool, like lava we can eat it! 
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Anonymous said...

Awesome, you're a great teacher!

Becky said...

Okay, so you don't know me but I'm Aunt Becky to Mason and Kenzie. You obviously put a lot of thought into making learning fun for Mason and Kenzie. I've seen so many examples of this on your blog. You're doing a great job keeping them active in learning. It is obvious that you love them and they love you. I'm glad they have you in their lives. Thank you for being so good to them.

The Felkins said...

Becky, thank you for the thoughtful post! I really appreciate your words of encouragement! Lately I've been trying to make school more creative and fun. I'm trying to do a better job of keeping our blog current, so that family and friends can see what we have been up to and how the kids are growing and learning. I know Mason and Kenzie would love to hear/see what you all have been up to as well!