Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Daddy!

Well, March is birthday month in our family! Today is my Dad's birthday. I just called him and he was on his way home from the hospital from a night of being oncall...that usually means he has the day off. I'm hoping that is the case today! My Dad is the best dad a girl could hope for. He is the greatest example I have on this earth of my heavenly Father and His love for me. My Dad can be fun and silly/goofy, yet strong and serious and wise. He is a hard worker and has taught us, his children, to work hard as unto the Lord. Everyone who meets my dad loves him...all of his patients talk about how great he is and the drug reps who call on him speak highly of him too. He is one of the first people I turn to when I need advice and a listening ear and also when I have exciting news to share.

My dad loves his family and he loves us so well because he first loves the Lord! Throughout my life, I have never doubted that he loves me and he always lets me know he's proud of me! I love you Daddy!

1 comment:

Elvis, J.D. said...

Your is one of the greatest men I have been around. Kind, caring, wise, smart, funny, nice, and full of God's love. I enjoyed every minute of my stay with them this past summer.

His children are a reflection of his life and for that he should feel blessed.