Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spring Break Is Over...

This picture was taken on the first of many Utah trips with my good friends Curt, Hannah, Matt, Jason and my bro Stevo. For those who know me well, you know that snow skiing is one of my favorite things to do, and I must say, over the past year, I have really missed it. Some of the group went back to Utah this past week, but because there were many things I needed to be doing here, I stayed behind. I sure missed getting to hit the slopes with my favorite ski buddies! From the sounds of it, they had a great time and remained injury free!

Though I still had to work last week, not having to go to class was very nice!!! I stayed in Memphis over spring break, spent time with John and the kids and did a few things around the house to get it "For Sale" ready. It is amazing how much stuff I can accumulate living in the same place for only 3 years! Aside from going through my things and cleaning out the house, there a very few things that need to be done to the house. Today a lady came over to the house to remove the wallpaper in my bathroom (loved her!)...I was amazed at how quickly she removed it and how much bigger the room looks now! Now all we have to do inside is paint...bring on the mess!!!


Anonymous said...

Shoooo. girl! We missed you too!
You definitely would have cracked up at my ability to ski down the slopes of Utah.... I think I did okay.. but we missed Shirley Q in Park City! Glad to hear things are coming along with the house and you got some rest!

hannah said...

Sarah & I have a new ski song just for you... "I like big bumps and I cannot lie!" I know you had plenty to do your spring break week. More ski trip to come, lets promise! I can't wait to see how fast your house sells- Its the treasure on Mimosa you know. See you tomorrow!