Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Book Worm...

Believe it or not, in college, I was way more about having fun than hitting the books. Granted the fun I had was innocent, late night rearranging outdoor dorm furniture, setting off works bombs, an occassional guard raid and watching the fountain fill with bubles...who would do such a thing!?! My first semester grades almost sent me to Jackson State Community College...not that there is anything wrong with that, it was just my dad's way of telling me I better dust off my books and open them from time to time. The library for me was more of a social setting than a place to study, at least my freshman and sophomore years. My older brother, Stephen, could only be found in the library with his nose to the book, but I could be found if you just listened for my voice! Sorry, Melissa (my cousin works in the Union library). I was also known for being a huge distraction for my roommates during their all night cram sessions for Organic Chem. Seems the classes I took were all the type that allowed you to study the night least that is how I handled them.

However, now that I am back in school, and doing something I want to do, I have become much more studious. Just ask John. I've even become a little type A in my studies. I have been a major stress case this past week trying to learn all about the heart. This week I took in much more than I ever thought possible about the different veins and arteries, chambers of the heart, valves of the heart, flow of blood, types of blood cells and their functions, systol and diastole, cardiac output, stroke volume...need I go on. And on top of that, we wrapped up our senses study from last semester with the special senses of taste, smell, vision, hearing and equilibrium. Yep, Stephen now I know a tiny amount about your favorite, the eye! It is just interesting to me to see the change in my study habits. Seems I view it in a different light when, not only is it something I want to do, but it takes sacrifice and commitment to get through it, verses just having fun being a college student. Some, like Stephen learn discipline in their studies the first go round...for others of us, it just takes a little while longer! Now if I can just find that balance...

On another note, as I was walking out of class last night, a girl stopped me and asked if I was in the video on Sunday at High Point. Our church did a short video of Hannah and I talking about her ski accident. I thought that was kinda neat...a new face to look for on Sundays.

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