Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What ABC Did To My Parents...

Recognize this photo? It's from ABC's show "The Bachelor." The girl in the picture is Sarah Stone, a friend of mine from high school that I cheered with. I have not watched much of the show until the past 2 weeks. During one of the first episodes we flipped it on just to see her on TV and that was enough for me. When my mom told me she was still in the running, I thought it would be fun to watch.

First off, it is really weird to see someone you know on national TV. Second, it is even crazier to hear your dad talk about the show and how cheesy it is and how slutty the girls are. It gets me tickled just thinking about it. Never in a million years would I have thought my dad would watch The Bachelor. But, I guess when you know someone on TV, maybe all bets are off. For those who are interested, my mom thinks Sarah wins. Her sources say that she and the bachelor have been seen at the same gym and that he took a job in Nashvegas. Anyhow, since I determined a while back that I have a very random blog, I thought I would just add this to the mix! Hope you enjoy!

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