Thursday, January 05, 2006

Smoke Break Anyone?

I am sitting here in "cube world" wondering is this really where I work?! If you are in a cube, you can probably relate to my desire to find new creative ways to keep myself sane as well as entertained. As many of you know, one of my favorite past times is that of throwing paper wads and airplanes into my boss' office, but since I took on this new more "prestigious" role, my new boss does not appreciate the art of crafting planes from paper...nor do I think she would laugh were one to hit her upside the head, let alone come sailing into her office. So, I have sought to find new work hobbies. latest hobby is sneaking up behind people with the pig catapult, curtesy of Hannah! This little gadget has proven to provide hours of entertainment for the "cube dwellers." You can launch up to 5 little pigs at a time, and they go in all directions! And the best came from the dollar store...

I highly recommend for the cube dweller in you!


Elvis, J.D. said...

Love the Blog. I'll add a link!
I have a little Cube in me.

Anonymous said...

My gurrlll gotz herself one of 'dem blogs and such... Lawd...child please.....i know that youz and yo 19 chilrrens are as excited as a fat man at an all youz can eat buffet....lawdy lawd...
well... tell yo mama an 'dem thats I axed how she durring...

Yo' sista
Barbi Q

hannah said...

I Love seeing this blog published!! Also quite honored to know the piggy catapult made it to your prestigious cube too. Some days I DO think you have the most fun job..Can you come play at mine?

- O - said...

Love the pig catapult.